If things go well you will probably only need it once or not need it at all.Ħ. If one with a grate gets too close to the rail, use a Wall-nut to stall. Wall-nut should be used reactively to Poncho Zombies. Move it around accordingly to spread damage to the lanes that need it the most.ĥ. Fill up the rest of column 1 with Repeaters.Ĥ. Once you have enough sun, put down Repeaters on column 1 to deal with the first few zombies.ģ. Start planting Sunflowers quickly down column 2.Ģ. (Not sure if this part was necessary, but here you go if you're trying to make sure that this strategy is valid and working)ġ. Up-to-date strategy that works and has been tested five times with success. All Plant Food in this level should go to the Wall-nuts, starting from the most damaged ones. Plant a column of Wall-nuts first, then Snapdragons and finally Spikeweed on the first column. Then use Snapdragons on the third column and Spikeweeds to kill them. Stall the first zombie with a Wall-nut on second column until all Sunflowers are planted. S = Sunflower, K = Kernel-Pult, m = Possible Melon-Pult location, P = Split Pea, W = Wall-nut

Pea Pod is your reinforcement in each lane. Continue upgrading your Pea Pod if you complete planting Bonk Choys and Wall-nuts.Use Plant Food on Wall-nuts and Bonk Choys when you are in trouble.When it is on the left side, try to let Pea Pod avoid it, and let the Bonk Choy kill it. This one is very dangerous without Bonk Choy. When your Pea Pod is three-headed, you can start planting Bonk Choy and Wall-nut for Prospector Zombies.The more sun you have, the easier the level will be. Remember to delay the time to collect sun.You may plant one column of Bonk Choy and Wall-nut, but upgrading Pea Pod into a five-headed Pea Pod is much better at first.
#Stupid zombies 2 cheats upgrade#
Next, when that Pea Pod defeats two zombies, upgrade it.If zombies are killed quickly, the zombies will keep coming very fast, and you will not have enough sun for planting. (More details: When a zombie is far from minecart track about three tiles) A very smart choice that when the zombie is a bit near your Pea Pod, move the minecart forward to that zombie. No sun-producing plants are needed in this kind of level. First, look again at the first objective.Waves The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one. The constant deployment of zombies also supports using area-of-effect plants. Area of Effect plants should also come in handy, like Snapdragon, so it can hit zombies efficiently. Defensive plants should be used, so the player has more time to attack. A powerful plant should be used on the minecarts, like Coconut Cannon. Backward attacking plants, like Bonk Choy, are very ideal in this level, to combat the Prospector Zombie. Also, with the presence of the Prospector Zombie with its ability and Poncho Zombie with its health, this level can be even more troubling. 2000 sun is pretty small to deal with this level as well. Instant-use plants like Potato Mine are not recommended to use, as they count as losing a plant.